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1.Choosing your first diamonds

This is where the actual painting starts. Once you have arranged your space and studied the symbols on the canvas, you can begin the painting by pouring out the diamonds of your choice by pouring them into the tray, and giving them a little shake to make them face right-side up.

2.Uncover the Canvas

Once you have the diamonds laid out in the tray, peel back some of the protective sheet from the canvas to start your painting.

3.Pick Up the Diamonds

Peel back the covering of the wax and dip your pen into the tub of wax to fill the nib. Once you do this, you can press the pen on the heads of the diamonds to pick them up. The diamonds will easily stick onto the pen.

4.Stick the Diamonds onto the Canvas

Start sticking the diamonds onto the canvas on their corresponding symbols, making sure not to apply too much pressure. This may cause the wax to stick onto the top of the diamond, dulling its shine.

5.Repeat the Process

Stick all the diamonds onto their corresponding area respectively, and keep repeating until the whole painting is completed. You can cover the corners of the canvas with tape or paper to give it a finished look if you want.

6.Frame the Painting

Once the painting is finished, you can keep it forever by framing it up and hanging it in any of the places you frequent in your house or place of work.

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